The Ritch Life

The Ritch Life

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Well again we are becoming slack on updating this thing!! It's been hard. Quick update...still no baby Ritch but we did talk to our adoption agency and there are now a few more birthmothers that we are candidites for. That is exciting but I am tired of waiting! Oh well maybe right now I need to focus on fixing some things in our house and yard...the list is becoming long! Hopefully this to do list will keep my mind off of babies!! We'll see! Well I promised some pictures of the nursery so here they are:
We still have a lot to do! We recently got a rocking chair from my awesome sis but I have to recover the cushions. I will add pictures of that later. I also have made book hammocks that my wonderful hubby needs to help me hang.
The other weekend we went to a used bookstore to find some books and I decided to purchase some children's books on adoption and I found two. The one about the bears made me cry! Here are the covers.
Aren't they cute!! We still have tons to do and get but we are working on it. I guess once we get "the call" we will start kicking it into overdrive. Well until later (hopefully with some updates!). Take care!

1 comment:

  1. The nursery looks great & the books are so sweet! Baby Ritch is so loved already! :)
